Calves are the future for every dairy farmer. And raising them is no easy task. From a health aspect, recommendations are to raise newborn calves in individual pens, since calves need individual attention and observation during this time. Also, isolation from other calves minimizes the potential of disease spreading, and access to feed and water takes place without competition. Retaining a calf in this group for 10 days post-weaning allows for close observation of the calf to ensure the process is complete. We closely work with two companies to offer a few options of calf housing that work well for calf rearing no matter what your calf management philosophy is.

During the day, the bed pack absorbs sunlight. This stored heat keeps your calves warm at night. Unlike open huts, temperature change is controlled over a longer time to reduce stress on your calves. It’s perfect even in variable climates. Poly Dome stops snow and wind penetration–helps prevent frozen ears and tails. In fact, after years of farm testing, Poly Dome is still considered the warmest winter hut on the market.

Use your Poly Dome throughout the year with an eight-inch bedding. Open the unit and use outside pens in July and August to prevent heat problems. Keep the calves closed-in September through June.

By keeping your calves inside, they stay dryer and cleaner. No snow to shovel out, no mud tracked in. No more re-bedding after snow and rain.
To see the full lineup of Polydome huts and all the available features please use the link below:


We at Polydome believe that today’s calves are tomorow’s profits.


From economical to extra-large, our calf hutches can be customized and designed with industry-leading features to keep your calves healthy and comfortable
