Magnum “M” Liners
Healthy cows, improved system performance and higher yields are hallmarks of BouMatic’s heavy duty Magnum M liner series.
Magnum Turbo Liners
BouMatic continues to lead the milking industry through innovation, proving our philosophy of milking cows “Gently, Quickly and Completely” as we strive for a more efficient dairy parlor.
Magnum LWX00 Shell
The LWX00 Shell is modeled after our stainless-steel shell that has been loved by generations.
Flo-Star Xtreme Claw
Flo-Star Xtreme is bringing a revolutionary new design to a milking claw, but with all the same enhanced performance. Receive the excellent milkability and comfort you come to expect from BouMatic.
Flo-Star Max
Performance, capacity, durability, weight reduction, milkability and milker and cow fit for your 24/7 parlor operation.
Hi-Flo Evolution Pulsator
Durability, reliability and easy maintenance are only the beginning of the HiFlo Evolution story. Since 2008, this pulsator has been amazing BouMatic customer’s with its simplistic but premium design.
Pulse MD
With the Pulse MD monitoring your vital parlor health statistics, you have a built-in VIP service technician 24/7/365.